How to limit the amout of disk space for Samba user
What a roller coaster Samba is, its fun, i'm in a purple patch with it after having a nightmare, and have a need which is bourne of necessity...
I'm running smba on FC4 in a school ICT lab, and the little blighters have started copying up CD's full of MP3's and other blatently useless crud onto thier home folder...
I cannot for the life of me in webin, Users and Groups or SWAt see a way to limit each user to a predefined mount of space (letrs say 100Mb)
i've read some stuff about hard and soft quotas, and the idea that the student has 100Mb of space, and then if they exceeed that get a time limit to reduce/remove the files sounds good..
please help... i've been up at 5am and going to bed at 12am because of this ICT lab, and i'm losing it... in a fun way!!