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Old 05-05-2017, 02:08 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2017
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Smile How to create LOGOUT button/feature in Nagios Core?

Hello all,

I am integrating Nagios core in my company, I am working from last six months. I have to configure LOGOUT button on Nagios Core application.

Can you please help me how to configure LOGOUT facility in Nagios Core?

Thank you.
Old 05-05-2017, 07:41 AM   #2
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Hi and welcome to LQ.

What do you mean exatly by this:
Originally Posted by kalpak View Post
I have to configure LOGOUT button on Nagios Core application.
The core is open source, but also pretty well developed and with plug-ins. I haven't used it, but there must be a way to exit it, even if it is a menu. I feel you can either get a button added if the open source tool allows for custom button definition as it is compiled now, or you can take the source and do the addition of a logout button. The second variation is more difficult. Does the tool allow for defining a custom button, perhaps as a macro?
Old 05-05-2017, 02:20 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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I have installed 4.3.1 Nagios core on Centos 6.8. I am not getting LogOff link.
I have already enabled basic authentication type. Still I am not getting logoff link.

As per 4.3.1 version release note, they said login & log off link added.

Can you please revert on the same.

Note : I want to logoff link for end user access.

Or can you give me relevant link for log off link configuration.
Old 05-05-2017, 02:55 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by kalpak View Post
I have installed 4.3.1 Nagios core on Centos 6.8. I am not getting LogOff link.
I have already enabled basic authentication type. Still I am not getting logoff link.

As per 4.3.1 version release note, they said login & log off link added.

Can you please revert on the same.

Note : I want to logoff link for end user access.

Or can you give me relevant link for log off link configuration.
Please note that I cited that I have not used this software package, however I offered some options to attain a custom functionality, if that was the need for your part.

Based on your update, you are citing that Nagios 4.3.1 has specifically added this and noted it in their release note.

I feel you should contact the Nagios software team with your question and ask them where you can find this new functionality.


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