It could also be that the ffmpeg version you have was compiled without faac libraries. For example, this is the case in Fedora/RPMFusion. You could download the source and recompile with faac support.
Alternatively, you could specify something other that AAC audio encoder. I believe AC3 is still mp4 compliant. Try AC3 by adding a
-acodec ac3 argument to force use of AC3 audio encoder.
mplayer site has a document on mp4 conversions. I think that mencoder/ffmpeg don't really support the mp4 container, and a subsequent muxer is needed to convert the output to mp4.
Another option is h264enc, it's a sophisticated shell around mencoder and other tools to generate high quality mp4 files. Typically it uses non-ffmpeg tools to convert intermediate mencoder avi file to mp4 with AAC audio. To get AAC you will need
faac command installed. h264enc has a neat checker that reports on the readiness of your system for conversions.
Here is an example from my Fedora 14 system (Note: that mencoder/ffmpeg lacks AAC support, but faac and MP4Box are installed to provide AAC and mp4 conversions):
[pwalden@walden8 ~]$ h264enc -sc
-> Checking for 'MPlayer'..................... OK
-> Checking for 'MEncoder'.................... OK
-> H.264 video support in MEncoder............ YES
-> AAC (FAAC) audio support in MEncoder....... NO
-> MP3 (LAME) audio support in MEncoder....... YES
-> AC3 (lavc) audio support in MEncoder....... YES
-> PCM audio support in MEncoder.............. YES
-> Checking for 'bc'.......................... OK
-> Checking for 'pv'.......................... FAILED! [no support for DVD ISO dumps]
-> Checking for 'dd'.......................... OK
-> Checking for 'neroAacEnc'.................. FAILED! [no support for AAC+ audio]
-> Checking for 'aacplusenc'.................. FAILED! [no support for AAC+ audio]
-> Checking for 'oggenc'...................... OK
-> Checking for 'flac'........................ OK
-> Checking for 'faac'........................ OK
-> Checking for 'less'........................ OK
-> Checking for 'lsdvd'....................... OK
-> Checking for 'dvdxchap' (from ogmtools).... FAILED! [no support for DVD chapters export]
-> Checking for 'mkvmerge' (from mkvtoolnix).. FAILED! [no support for the MKV container]
-> Checking for 'ogmmerge' (from ogmtools).... FAILED! [no support for the OGM container]
-> Checking for 'MP4Box' (from gpac).......... OK
-> Checking for 'tsMuxeR'..................... FAILED! [no support for the TS container]
If you have installed a required program but the script
can't find it, run 'h264enc -r' to reset the config file.