how to configure another dns server to combine use with primary current dns server.
Hi, in my current LAN network already have a DNS server this DNS server is private IP address(, all client PC in this network using this DNS server(, if now i want to configure second DNS server at this network let's say a second DNS server(, because i dont want to update and add any client pc data name is this first DNS server(, all new pc client data name i want to record at and update to second DNS server(, let's said now now this first DNS server( dont have my latest new pc name example: record, so all client pc cannot ping, than now i update this new pc record at second DNS server( is it posible to configure my DNS server combine use, than user client pc can resolve new and old pc.
I already try to configure this second DNS server(, the client pc can resolve ping the new pc which is updated at the second DNS server(, but cannot ping the all old and existing pc name which is all record at first DNS server(, whatever i already configure the client pc /etc/resolve.conf:
This first DNS server( i dont want to update and add any new pc name record, than i only update and add new pc name record at this second DNS server( than i just add this both DNS server at client side pc, than i can resolve both first and second DNS server client pc name, is it posible??
any solution?
Thank you.