Originally Posted by bills23
how to change the font size in gnome xterm when I do post "xterm " command ? I tried to create the .Xresources and change the font but the fonts have changed only if I click on the xterm tab on the gnome terminal. I get the old fonts when I do "xterm" from another xterm. I have added the following font command in the .Xresources file :
then i did xrdb -merge .Xresources
There's no such thing as "gnome xterm".
The gnome project provides a distant relative called "gnome-terminal", but see the
XTerm FAQ.
The resource-definition matches the
application name, which can differ.
For instance, if gnome's launcher made a symbolic link to xterm using a different
name, then your resource settings would not apply to the different name.
Using the
class name (
XTerm) will make it apply to everything using
that resource-class. XTerm also provides an option to use a different class, e.g.,
UXYerm as used by the
uxterm script.