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Old 10-02-2007, 11:35 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2007
Distribution: opensuse 10.3
Posts: 11

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how to access internet just like in Windows?

Hi, I've always been using Windows in the past, but now that I'm now using linux, I have to do the same things, such as accessing the Internet.
I have the name of the ISP(in Windows), and the password.In Windows, I just need to create an icon on the desktop, and a mere click makes the access. But now in opensuse, I can simply choose wired connection but can't configure the relative information such as ISP and password. At school, I don't need to type in the information for it's already been done, but now at home, it seems impossible.
How can I access the Internet without being able to configure it? Are there any commands as a substitute,for in ubuntu, I remember, commands for Internet are essential.
By the way, I'm using Vista now so as to use the Internet for help.
Old 10-02-2007, 11:43 PM   #2
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Try typing the comamand `dhcpcd` as root. If you have a dhcp server running (a router usually acts as a dhcp server), your computer should be able to connect to the router.

Old 10-03-2007, 12:11 AM   #3
LQ Guru
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You should post more relavent information about what kind of internet access you have. It sounds like DSL. Are you connected directly to a modem, or is there a router in between. If you have a NAT router, then the router will do the dialing for you. If not, run the dsl configuration in YaST2. ( YaST2 -> Network Devices -> DSL ). It has a place for you to enter your username and password and the provider information. Also look in your installation disk's /docu/ directory. There is a pdf manual with instructions.

If you have a DSL Router, then configure your NIC for dhcp in the Yast2 -> Network Devices -> Network Card configuration.


After rereading your original post, I realized that you might be a poor soul with POTS dialup.
There is a YaST2 -> Network Devices -> Modem configuration. You may have a problem if you have a winmodem that SuSE doesn't recognize. They are really software modems, relying on windows to perform certain functions instead of doing these functions themselves.

Last edited by jschiwal; 10-03-2007 at 12:14 AM.


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