Hi there, i try to follow the guide :
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent but, when i finish and try to boot i receive the message :
Missing parameter in configuration file. Keyword: path
gfxboot.c32 not a COM32R image
The most results i found is just "Press TAB, write live and hit enter" or another option. but i don't see nobody try to explain how its working. for fix it
Someone can explain me the error, and how to fix it ???
And when i try to test in QEmu with "Live" (using the TAB and writing TAB after error), in QEmu i ever get Kernel Panic. the past year, i use QEmu for Test USB, but i dont know why right now i get Kernel Panic.
The method i use is the follow :
Using Pendrive 4GB
1 ) Create a primary partition "without format / clean" with 2GB ( 2048MB ) , and use the context menu, go to "Options" and active "boot" flag
2 ) Create another partition with the rest of available space
In Gparted the Pendrive is /dev/sdh
In the Terminal i use the follow commands :
Format The Partitions
su -c "mkfs.vfat -F 32 -n xubuntu /dev/sdh1" root
su -c "mkfs.ext2 -b 4096 -L casper-rw /dev/sdh2" root
Make a temp folders :
su -c "mkdir -p /tmp/usbp1" root
su -c "mkdir -p /tmp/XubuntuISO" root
Mount the first pendrive partition:
su -c "mount /dev/sdh1 /tmp/usbp1" root
Mount the ISO and go to that folder
su -c "mount xubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-i386.iso /tmp/XubuntuISO -o loop" root
cd /tmp/XubuntuISO/
Copy the mayor part of ISO Content to Pendrive :
su -c "cp -rf casper dists install pics pool preseed .disk README.diskdefines /tmp/usbp1/" root
Copy isolinux like syslinux in the first pendrive partition
su -c "cp -rf isolinux /tmp/usbp1/syslinux" root
go to the pendrive syslinux folder
cd /tmp/usbp1/syslinux
Rename the files isolinux to syslinux :
su -c "mv isolinux.cfg syslinux.cfg" root
su -c "mv isolinux.bin syslinux.bin" root
Modify the file "txt.cfg" via sed & echo for remove "/cdrom" and add persistent label and option
cat txt.cfg | sed 's/\/cdrom//g' >> /tmp/txt.cfg
su -c "rm -rf txt.cfg" root
su -c "cp -f /tmp/txt.cfg /tmp/usbp1/syslinux/txt.cfg" root
su -c "rm -rf /tmp/txt.cfg" root
sed '0,/live/s//persistent/' txt.cfg >> /tmp/txt.cfg
echo 'label persistent' >> /tmp/txt.cfg
echo ' kernel /casper/vmlinuz' >> /tmp/txt.cfg
echo ' append file=/preseed/xubuntu.seed boot=casper persistent initrd=/casper/initrd.lz quiet splash ---' >> /tmp/txt.cfg
su -c "cp -f /tmp/txt.cfg /tmp/usbp1/syslinux/txt.cfg" root
umount the pendrive partition:
su -c "cd ; umount /tmp/usbp1" root
Install syslinux in the first partition FAT32 of Pendrive
su -c "syslinux /dev/sdh1" root
#[Alternative]# su -c "ms-sys -s /dev/sdh" root
Test via qemu :
qemu-kvm -hda /dev/sdh
Thanks for readme and sorry for my bad english