Originally Posted by art3m
In the terminal as root first check where your usb is mounted (if mounted)
Once you know where its mounted /dev/sd* make sure you unmount it first
Next you can format your usb drive. Most people like to format
it in fat format but you can always format it in whatever format you like.
You don't have to name your USB if you don't want to.
Once it is completed you can mount it back and you are good to go.
Hope it helps.
- art3m
thanks ill give ita try
so i gave it a try, but tried to format the two into one and the result was this
root@galliumos:/home/ivan# mkfs.vfat -n usb -I /dev/sda /dev/sdb
mkfs.fat 3.0.28 (2015-05-16)
mkfs.fat: warning - lowercase labels might not work properly with DOS or Windows
Warning: block count mismatch: found 1423360 but assuming 0.
Bad block count : /dev/sdb
Usage: mkfs.fat [-a][-A][-c][-C][-v][-I][-l bad-block-file][-b backup-boot-sector]
[-m boot-msg-file][-n volume-name][-i volume-id]
[-s sectors-per-cluster][-S logical-sector-size][-f number-of-FATs]
[-h hidden-sectors][-F fat-size][-r root-dir-entries][-R reserved-sectors]
[-M FAT-media-byte][-D drive_number]
/dev/name [blocks]
any ideas?