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Old 03-12-2004, 08:40 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Location: Riverside
Distribution: Debian Woody 3.0r2
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Exclamation How do I exit Gnome desktop manager?

"I am new to linux. I recently installed Debian 3.0r2 woody on to my existing computer and was doing fine until, I restarted the system. after rebooting I select linux from the Lilo manager and instead of going to the command line login I get popped into the Gnome Desktop Manager I have spoken with several people about how I might be able to exit but nothing has been successful. I do not want this as it will not allow me to log in as root, and I have not found any way to just exit and get back to command line."
Old 03-12-2004, 08:45 PM   #2
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so are you saying you just want your machine to boot up to text mode by default ?
that is what i gather by what your saying ....
if that is the case, then all you have to do is edit the /etc/inittab file
you will change the line that reads :
to read :

5 = graphical bootup
3 = command line bootup
Old 03-12-2004, 08:46 PM   #3
Registered: Jan 2004
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It sounds like you're in runlevel 5. You'll have to edit /etc/inittab and set
your run level to 3. I'm using redhat 9. This is what I had to do...

find this line in /etc/inittab, only it will say 5 instead of 3. Change it to 3
and reboot.


You may also have to use chkconfig to get some of your services set up
and running in runlevel 3. the man pages will tell you how.

Old 03-12-2004, 08:47 PM   #4
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Re: How do I exit Gnome desktop manager?

Originally posted by BliZZrdLiZZrd
I have spoken with several people about how I might be able to exit but nothing has been successful.
well, what did you try already? that would be helpful to know so people don't waste their time recommending the same things.

one thing you can try if you haven't already is editing the runlevel in your /etc/inittab file. usually i think it should be 3 to boot to prompt, but in my debian system, i had to change it to runlevel 2. you might try both if one doesn't work.

afaik, and the last time i used it, i also seem to remember that the gnome display manager has an option to exit to the command prompt. ? i'm pretty sure it has that, so check it out again carefully.
Old 03-13-2004, 09:30 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2004
Distribution: Debian - Sid
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If you want to be able to login as root from gdm, you will need configure gdm. At the login screen, click on 'System' then click 'Configure' and enter roots password. Click the tab title 'Security' then check 'Allow root to login with GDM'. Root will now be able to login.

If you want to start at the command line after a reboot, you will need to remove the S99gdm link from /etc/rc2.d. That will stop gdm from starting after a reboot. If at a later time you want to start gdm again, you can issue /etc/init.d/gdm start from the command line. Don't forget you call also do CTRL-ALT-F[1-6] to get to a console, and CTRL-ALT-F7 to get back to your gnome session.

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