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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
Just starting out and have a question? If it is not in the man pages or the how-to's this is the place!


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Old 02-17-2005, 06:39 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: UsA
Distribution: Redhat Slackware Suse
Posts: 18

Rep: Reputation: 0
Red face how do I compile kernl with nothing installed

Ok I need to compile the kernel so that my raid works on my Soyo kt400..

The raid controller is a hpt3xxx, thats what windows xp says I think it's hpt372, anyways highpoint does not have a compiled driver for slackware, and slackware 10.1 scsi.s kernel and barei can't read the Raid.

How do I compile the source driver into a module or compile it into the slackware kernel without running linux?
Can I some how compile it under windows with the gcc windows port or am I just confused?

Yes I think that might just be it.
Plus its late and I've been up all night, can someone help?
I did notice that one user on this forum has the same mobo and video card as me should I ask him for a copy of his kernel?
Old 02-18-2005, 12:06 AM   #2
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Lawrence, KS
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 315

Rep: Reputation: 42

Don't know about 10.1 Slackware yet, but the Highpoint 370 software raid stuff is in the
<ataraid.i> kernel that comes with Slackware 10.
Old 02-18-2005, 04:10 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: UsA
Distribution: Redhat Slackware Suse
Posts: 18

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Thank you Ill Try to boot to that kernel, just hope its on 10.1.
I Tried SUSE 9.2, but it uses 2.6.0 kernel the live disk for 9.1 worked great, but I don't have 9.1.
I just want to dual boot with Xp, I'm not afraid to learn so if there are any tutorials that would help me, Please send me in the right direction.
Ill be offline until Monday because of my lack of Internet at home.

Last edited by xlioilx; 02-18-2005 at 04:15 AM.
Old 02-22-2005, 04:41 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: UsA
Distribution: Redhat Slackware Suse
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Thank you very much ataraid.i works great
Old 02-22-2005, 06:21 PM   #5
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Lawrence, KS
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 315

Rep: Reputation: 42
tutorials that would help

Its great that you got it going.

About tutorials, I have purchased more books on Linux than I ever want my wife to know about. But I think
information on this forum is better than having shelves of books. Most of what I know is due to Linux Questions.
Well, that, and a course in system admin with SCO many years ago. Back when SCO was a real business. : )


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