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esgol 07-31-2012 02:19 AM

How can i make 'hidden' a file extension in KUBUNTU?
I have enough of seeing to my headers (.h) tree their temporaries also. How can i declare them as hidden files so I wont see them any more?

I use Kubuntu 10 and 12, think its the same probably

Thank you for the audience

acid_kewpie 07-31-2012 02:23 AM

why would you want to do that?? that just seems pointless. There is no system level way to hide a file other than putting a "." at the start of the file name, and so if you're using these headers then that will break them. If you mean doing this is some file manager GUI thing, then maybe there is a way specific to it, but I doubt it. I suggest you decide you don't want to do this in the first place.

esgol 07-31-2012 02:31 AM

ohh... i thought it was simle like windows. They were always usabel but just hidden to see unless activated thi see hiden files.

So if i make the tmp of headers hidden they wont be usable from the OS anymore eh. (they re teh tmp cache when headers are opened in Kate. ~

acid_kewpie 07-31-2012 02:32 AM

why are you seeing "temp cache headers" in the first place... what are these files?

evo2 07-31-2012 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by esgol (Post 4741941)
So if i make the tmp of headers hidden they wont be usable from the OS anymore eh. (they re teh tmp cache when headers are opened in Kate.

Ok, so this seems to be a question about the files displayed by "Kate" (which as far as I can tell is a text editor), and not about anything at the OS level.

I'd suggest looking through the documentation of that program (but would be amazed if it had such a feature).


esgol 07-31-2012 02:37 AM

for instance when i open main.cpp with Kate a main.cpp~ appears also in the folder. Its its cache temporary no?
If i could not see it. I have 10 headers opened in the same folder and se also their 10 ~ in the folder tree :(
Yes theyre exactly that evo2

acid_kewpie 07-31-2012 02:39 AM

ahh, that's what you get for not using vi. :)

evo2 07-31-2012 02:41 AM


many programs - text editors included - make backup files with the same filename with a ~ added to the end. If you don't want those files you probably can configure your editor to not make them: look through whatever options/config menu you editor has.



Wim Sturkenboom 07-31-2012 02:45 AM

'~' might be the last backup of a file or a 'work' file created by Kate. From I guess it's the former and you can prevent Kate from creating backups (second post in above link).

esgol 07-31-2012 02:50 AM

Hmm... so its not just like windows, hidden files dont have the same functionality. :S
Ok I will try making it not to create backups.

Hope that wont mean any problems eh

I HATE VI and VIM also! :PPP They re for CAVETROLLS! XDDD Never could understand them

evo2 07-31-2012 02:58 AM



Originally Posted by esgol (Post 4741959)
Hmm... so its not just like windows, hidden files dont have the same functionality. :S

Correct. A text editor is nothing like an OS*.

Ok I will try making it not to create backups.

Hope that wont mean any problems eh
If Kate uses other KDE infrastructure eg the KDE file manager (whatever that may be), you may able to configure it to ignore those ~ files. For example there is a nice little program called, ls (which is one of many tools that I use instead of a file manager) that can be told to ignore files ending in ~. Eg

% touch foo bar foo~ bar~
% ls
bar  bar~  foo  foo~
% ls -B
bar  foo



* Although the editor I use is often compared to one.

eSelix 07-31-2012 03:15 AM

In settings of Kate, at Open/Save - Advanced you have option to add prefix to backup files. Use a full stop character - "." and your backup files will be automatically hidden.

segmentation_fault 07-31-2012 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by eSelix (Post 4741972)
In settings of Kate, at Open/Save - Advanced you have option to add prefix to backup files. Use a full stop character - "." and your backup files will be automatically hidden.

This is much better approach than disabling backup files. According to Murphy's law, you will need them :) Also, according to the same law, you will need them a moment after you disable them.

If you are serious about text editing, you really should learn to use vi or emacs.

John VV 07-31-2012 05:09 AM

? hide the file extension ??
why the "bleep" would one want to do that

That IS THE FIRST thing i do on a windows box
TURN ON the file extensions
that way I KNOW that that mp3 file IS not a mp3 file
music.mp3.exe ( can you smell a virus )

KNOWING the file extension is a GREAT help

and as to the text backups , the"~" files

KEEP them !!!!

one mistake and you DELETE or mess up a CRITICAL SYSTEM FILE
and that back up WILL SAVE YOUR BEHIND

esgol 07-31-2012 05:42 AM

Sorry Jhon VV I mean hide files WITH THAT EXTENSION not the extensions of files. Like making them hidden in windows

Woow thank you Sirs :D Someone has sugested the fullstop "." but sed to avoid it dont know why :D

About VIM im told by many thats the best for programming as "Most Adaptable Options to your needs than anything other" but couldnt get what they mean. I ha a hard time making new lines. What kind of adapts it has that can be more comfortable to Kate?

segmentation_fault 07-31-2012 06:21 AM

vi is much more user friendly. Eg. using kate, go to line 2446, copy the next 132 lines, and paste them at line 38. Measure the time that it takes.
Then open the same file with vim and type:


How much time did it take this time?
Find a quick reference guide, there are lots I think, and start editing with that guide on your desk. You will be surprised at how vim can be much better than any GUI text editor (except for gvim :D).

esgol 07-31-2012 11:11 AM

omg :O trully. Though its not the most convincible example :P haha

EDDY1 07-31-2012 11:24 AM

I'm surprised that kde unlike gnome does'nt have the button in view that hides files from the regular user.
In gnome it's under view from the menu bar.

John VV 07-31-2012 02:27 PM


I'm surprised that kde unlike gnome does'nt have the button in view that hides files from the regular user.
In gnome it's under view from the menu bar.
IT DOSE . It IS on the menu in dolphin and the keyboard shortcut is
< alt> <.>

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