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Old 06-04-2012, 08:39 PM   #1
Registered: May 2011
Location: Texas
Distribution: Debian/Ubuntu,CentOS
Posts: 848

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Hibernated, now DVI monitor not working?

Using Chakra, based on Arch.

Usually when I leave my computer for the night I usually hit the powerPC button on my Logitech keyboard and my computer goes into sleep mode and I can wake it back up by moving my mouse. Well, me being curious, instead of pushing the button the other night I decided to put the computer in Hibernate mode. The computer did what it always does, the monitor goes black, the lights on the pc turn off. I thought, cool, and went to bed. In the morning I shook the mouse and nothing, ok, so I pushed the power button and the computer started up making all the normal fan noises and such, but the monitor never turned on. I checked the wires, I restarted the computer and still the same. I disconnected the DVI monitor and connected a vga monitor and it worked but when it was booting it skipped the normal Gigabyte screen with the F2,F12 key options for the bios and went straight to the chakra splash screen. wtf?? I tried the DVI monitor on another computer that runs Cent OS and worked perfectly fine.. What gives? Did the hibernation mess something up?

Sorry for the long story. Help is appreciated. TIA!


Last edited by erik2282; 06-04-2012 at 08:41 PM.
Old 06-07-2012, 02:42 PM   #2
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Old 06-19-2012, 09:04 PM   #3
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I was searching for an answer to a semi-similar problem, although I'm using Windows 7 instead of Linux. I have a Gigabyte Z77X-D3H board and monitor connected to the DVI on the video card. I was formatting a hard drive which was going to take awhile so I decided to turn off the monitor and let it work. After half and hour I turned on the monitor to check on it and the monitor said No Signal. I don't have Sleep or Hibernation enabled so I don't know why it would just lose signal like that.

I connected the cable to the DVI on the motherboard and still no signal. I tried the other DVI on the video card (dual DVI) but it didn't work. Finally I used the VGA connection and it worked, but it skips the Gigabyte BIOS splash screen just like yours does.

What Gigabyte board do you have? I'm wondering if this is a problem with Gigabyte. I also had double/triple bootups on cold boots but that seems to have stopped, for now. I am not happy with this build so far. Thinking about returning the motherboard and getting Asrock or Asus maybe.

Last edited by bmn; 06-19-2012 at 09:05 PM.
Old 06-19-2012, 09:40 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2009
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I re-enabled the Sleep function and shut down the computer and plugged the DVI back in and now it works. I have no idea why. I know that doesn't help you since you already have Sleep and Hibernate turned on. I also had unplugged the video card's PCIe cables and plugged them back in. So it was either the Sleep function or unplugging and re-plugging the PCIe cables that did it.

Maybe you can try disabling and enabling the Sleep and HIbernate options and the video card cables? Sorry couldn't be more help.
Old 06-20-2012, 08:58 AM   #5
Registered: May 2011
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Since then I broke Chakra experimenting with some stuff so I replaced it with Linux Mint 12. But even then the problem did not go away. I still cannot use either the dvi port on the motherboard nor any of the ports on the video cards (2 dvi ports, 1 hdmi). Right now the monitor is connected via VGA to integrated graphics. video card is just sitting there on my credenza. dagnabit!

I have unplugged the video and taken it out of the computer but it did not fix anything. I have also tried changing the sleep hibernation settings to no avail. I have a friend that told me he thinks its the motherboard. he said I should have bought a motherboard with no onboard video, and thats why I am having problems with this setup. so i dont know.

thanks for your input..

Motherboard is Z68MA-D2H-B3
video card is EVGA NVidia GEforce gtx550Ti
Monitor is ViewSonic VX2336s-LED


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