What grail said.
In case you have trouble with point #4, just remember that
case statements use
globbing patterns for their conditions. So try to think of the numbers as
patterns rather than numerical values.
You could also try setting up a
function for the
read action, if you want to go that route.
Incidentally, many scripters feel that it's more readable to place the "
do/then" keywords on the same line as the "
for/while/until/if" keywords, as it more clearly separates the outside block from the inside block.
Finally, please use ***
[code][/code] tags*** around your code and data, to preserve formatting and to improve readability. Please do
not use quote tags, bolding, colors, or other fancy formatting.
The unbroken lines you used are causing my screen to side-scroll. Please edit the original and add code tags around it please.