Hi! As a relative newbie in both linux and networking, I'm trying to set up an email server in CentOS 5 using QmailToaster to make installation simple. The guide I followed is located
here. Unfortunately, I ran into some problems due to my setup differing from the "normal" setup.
Currently, we have a DSL connection connected to a router (asusRX3041) that acts as our dhcp server/dns/firewall as well. This email server is then connected to the router, and has a local address ( specifically set in the router (sortof making it static). So one step I took was different from the guide was that I enabled DHCP and didn't mind the network settings. I also setup the hostname as "mailserver".
I was able to reach the end of the installation, except I disregarded djbdns and domainkeys and did some testing... internal email works but when it came to external email I tried sending to a yahoo account and got this message:
Connected to but sender was rejected.
Remote host said: 553 Mail from
test@mydomain.com not allowed - 5.7.1 [BL21]
Connections not accepted from IP addresses on Spamhaus PBL; see
http://postmaster.yahoo.com/550-bl21.html [550]
--- Below this line is a copy of the message.
Return-Path: <test@mydomain.com>
Received: (qmail 3293 invoked by uid 89); 8 Feb 2008 06:53:28 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO (
by mailserver with SMTP; 8 Feb 2008 06:53:28 -0000
Received: from
(SquirrelMail authenticated user
by with HTTP;
Fri, 8 Feb 2008 14:53:28 +0800 (PHT)
Message-ID: <4334.>
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 14:53:28 +0800 (PHT)
SMTP was working but it is registering the local IP address instead of the WAN IP address, therefore getting it rejected by yahoo mail. So is it possible for qmail to use the WAN IP instead?
I haven't tried testing the incoming mail but I believe it's going to be a pain as well. We are currently using an external host (bluehost.com) to host our web and email content, but we now want to move email hosting to our own server. Therefore I'm thinking of pointing the MX entry to a DynDNS.com name pointing to our WAN IP, and then doing a NAT to the local mail server. Therefore Web content stays with bluehost but email goes to our server. Is this possible or not?
I'm sorry if the problems I posted seem stupid but I'm just new to all this linux and networking stuff...