Originally Posted by pinga123
Hi guys i have purchased sun server for my visualization project.
Request you to help me finding the io for disk .
I have put storage(disks) on different location (File Server) and on server (Application) i have configured 4 virtual machines.
How would i monitor the io for file server from the Application server where i have configured 4 virtual machine.
one way to mount the file server share on application server and execute
dd if=/dev/zero of=/share/test.out bs=1024 count=1024
to check the read and write .
Is there any other way of doing this.
I hope i didnt confused any 1.
Spell out your words, please.
And you say you've got a "Sun server"...what KIND? Running which OS? Version?
And if you put in "linux disk io monitor" into Google, you get lots of hits. Things like "sar", "iostat', "hdparm", and the like. Did you try to look?