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Old 08-30-2004, 04:52 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Help installing Fedora Core 2.

I have tried installing Fedora Core 2 eight times now without success (all I ever see after installation is the word GRUB).

My system looks like this:

HD0/hda, the master = Windows XP
HD1/hdb, the slave = Fedora Core 2

I have tried using LBA (both set in BIOS and also in the Fedora install), tried setting the exact specifications of my hard drive (lynix hdb=59582,16,63), etc but nothing works.

Each time I install I have selected to place the boot onto /dev/hdb1 First Sector of boot partition because I DO NOT TRUST this thing to place it on hda (overlaying the MBR).

What happens is that when I set the BIOS to boot from HD1 all I get is the word GRUB showing up. No command prompt, just the word GRUB. I can always boot to WindowsXP just fine if I set the BIOS to boot to hda (hd0).

It does take keyboard input because I can use ctrl-alt-delete to reboot, but no keys are echoed to the screen.

So, is it even possible to run Fedora on a slave drive with GRUB on that same drive and simply select the hard drive to boot to from within the BIOS?

Note that I have built a Fedora Resuce CD if that is needed.

Old 08-30-2004, 07:25 PM   #2
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Each time I install I have selected to place the boot onto /dev/hdb1 First Sector of boot partition because I DO NOT TRUST this thing to place it on hda (overlaying the MBR).

i think Grub needs to be installed in the MBR of hdb ( so /dev/hdb )
Then use the xp-bootmanager to start either xp or Linux.

Old 08-30-2004, 09:33 PM   #3
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Fedora 2 installation

Fedora 2 wont load, just keeps restarting. Anyone know if there is a specific way I should burn the Asus p4p800 .iso? I have tried it several time and it wont boot up.
Old 08-30-2004, 10:05 PM   #4
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think you are stealing darrinps's thread.( better open a new in the future )
and to my knowledge.....there are no special things about burning an ISO , maybe your downloaded file is incorrect...
( it should boot normally .... )

Old 08-30-2004, 11:06 PM   #5
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Check it's md5sum.
If you don't know how, see:
Old 08-31-2004, 08:21 AM   #6
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Originally posted by egag

Each time I install I have selected to place the boot onto /dev/hdb1 First Sector of boot partition because I DO NOT TRUST this thing to place it on hda (overlaying the MBR).

i think Grub needs to be installed in the MBR of hdb ( so /dev/hdb )
Then use the xp-bootmanager to start either xp or Linux.

It is going to /dev/hdb onto the "First Sector of boot partition"), but not the MBR of hdb.

Being completely new to Linux ( ), just how do I move it from "dev/hdb First Sector of boot partition" to dev/hdb MBR?

All I have to work with is the Fedora Core 2 DVD (came with the book I bought) and a Fedora Rescue CD that I created.

Sorry for being such a Linux idiot. Maybe, if I can ever get this thing installed, I won't be such a Linux numbskull!

Old 08-31-2004, 09:32 AM   #7
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Each time I install I have selected to place the boot onto /dev/hdb1 First Sector of boot partition because I DO NOT TRUST this thing to place it on hda (overlaying the MBR).
what do you mean ? Are you afraid it will mess it up, so badly that you wont be able to log into winXP any more?
1)if you want create a win bootdisk, just in case if you are so paranoic, no offense
2) put your FC2 dvd,
3) install it
4) use the disc-druid to partitionate your disk manually
5) install grub on the MBR , it wont mess up your system, remember to specify where your windoze partition is
Old 08-31-2004, 09:42 AM   #8
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well...i think Grub will give you a choice where to install, bootblock ( /dev/hd1 ) or MBR ( /dev/hdb )
i use lilo and it asks where to install --> i choose MBR , then i get a choice wich disk ---> you should choose /dev/hdb.

i think Grub works likewise....

but if you can startup linux, ( guess with a disk ) ,
you could save your current MBR of your xp-disk by typing : dd if=/dev/hda of=mbr.file bs=512 count=1

when your in the root-dir doing that, the saved MBR will be /root/mbr.file
then you could try installing Grub ( or lilo ) in the MBR of hda. ( then you can get a choice between xp & linux at boot )

you can always restore the MBR by typing : dd if=/root/mbr.file of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1

to you Q : moving it from hdb1 to hdb ? dunno if that works .
you could try : dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=/dev/hdb bs=512 count=1
but again : might just not work.

furthermore : if you've come so far, guess you're not an idiot so don't excuse yourself.
every linux-user has had start-up prob's.....that's for sure !


Last edited by egag; 08-31-2004 at 09:45 AM.
Old 08-31-2004, 10:43 AM   #9
LQ Newbie
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Originally posted by egag
well...i think Grub will give you a choice where to install, bootblock ( /dev/hd1 ) or MBR ( /dev/hdb )
i use lilo and it asks where to install --> i choose MBR , then i get a choice wich disk ---> you should choose /dev/hdb.

i think Grub works likewise....

but if you can startup linux, ( guess with a disk ) ,
you could save your current MBR of your xp-disk by typing : dd if=/dev/hda of=mbr.file bs=512 count=1

when your in the root-dir doing that, the saved MBR will be /root/mbr.file
then you could try installing Grub ( or lilo ) in the MBR of hda. ( then you can get a choice between xp & linux at boot )

you can always restore the MBR by typing : dd if=/root/mbr.file of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1

to you Q : moving it from hdb1 to hdb ? dunno if that works .
you could try : dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=/dev/hdb bs=512 count=1
but again : might just not work.

furthermore : if you've come so far, guess you're not an idiot so don't excuse yourself.
every linux-user has had start-up prob's.....that's for sure !

It gives me a choice as to which hard drive, but then it only allows me to choose either MBR on hda or "First Boot Sector" of hdb. That is all the choices it gives...nothing about placing GRUB on MBR of hdb, just hda.
Old 08-31-2004, 10:48 AM   #10
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Originally posted by Electronkz
what do you mean ? Are you afraid it will mess it up, so badly that you wont be able to log into winXP any more?
1)if you want create a win bootdisk, just in case if you are so paranoic, no offense
2) put your FC2 dvd,
3) install it
4) use the disc-druid to partitionate your disk manually
5) install grub on the MBR , it wont mess up your system, remember to specify where your windoze partition is
Remember, I know absolutley nothing about Linux, so when you say to use the disc-druid to "partitionate" my disk manually, it scares to bejeebas out of me .

If I cannot get Linux to work on hdb by itself, then I will just not use it until the day I get another box (if that ever happens). I simply do not want to have it on the same HD as Windows.

Surely there is a way to get it to work on hdb. I cannot believe that GRUB will only work on hda MBR.

Thanks for your input though. It is appreciated.
Old 08-31-2004, 11:17 AM   #11
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well... then just try using the xp-bootmanager ( that is, when you boot xp , you get a choise: xp or linux )
goes like this :

1. boot into linux

2. type : dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=/root/bootsec.lin bs=512 count=1

3. mount a win-floppy with : mount /mnt/floppy

4 copy the file : cp /root/bootsec.lin /mnt/floppy

5. unmount the floppy : umount /mnt/floppy

6 reboot in xp

7 copy the file to c:\bootsec.lin

8 edit the windows boot.ini-file : you can find that by right-clicking on ' this computer ' ;
look for something like ' startup options ' ( probebly behind an 'advanced ' button )
add a line: bootsec.lin = " linux "

that should do it .( it's a little typing but it worked for me....)


Last edited by egag; 08-31-2004 at 11:19 AM.


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