when you say loss your data, you're talking about the OS or personal data?
as you say it seems to still be taking commands even though you cannot see what you typed. But you know what you typed because the keyboard it right in front of you.
Therefore, if you can get to a terminal one way or another then just issue the key strokes hit enter,
did you try switching to a different tty?
then see if you have readable characters. I do believe you may have to log back in as well. Ubuntu does not have a root account,(which is crap in my book) but, personal options aside. if you have a network connection still, and depending on what is left of your system. You may, if it is personal data you're trying not to lose, then connect an external HDD to a USB port and just
mv -v source destanation
if it is just your home directory then
mv -v /home /dev/sdxx
then you'd have all of your complete home directory with your personal files, and any conf files within your account, so you'd not have to redo a lot of stuff, just reuse it when you just install a fresh copy of Linux of your choice.
But as you say it seems to still be taking commands even though you cannot see what you typed. But you know what you typed because the keyboard it right in front of you.
Therefore, if you can get to a terminal one way or another then just issue the key strokes hit enter,cross your fingers and it sould work if the system can still move files. if not then try
cp .. if not then try
rsync -r /home/ /dev/sdxx
if you had that, if that does not work then read this and hopefully you can try that too
6 Examples to Backup Linux Using dd Command
or this one
Moving your data to a backup device
might not work but it maybe worth a look
SCP uses secured shell (ssh) to transfer the data between...
if off board space is an issue then if you know your file structor then just move the most critical data the whole folder/directory that you cannot replace (over time), and abandon the rest.
if you can get a live USB with gparted on it or in the linux OS be easier better actually because you're going to need more then just Gparted in this scenario.
Dumping the system in a reboot will not matter, as you said .... Me, I'd just kiss that OS good-bye. Your personal Data should be ok. As the only thing taking place was a system (failed) upgrade. It should not have touched your personal data to corrupt it in anyway.
Reboot with a live Linux OS that has gpared. To save your personal data using gparted resize your HDD srink it as much as you can on the data side, but not too much so you can reuse it.
Then when it is finished. take that now new space and create a new partition. format it, then move as much of your personal data onto it as you can. But, first using the file structor as such.
create a home directory, then another directory using your userName then if you want create the file structor within your new userName directory, Documents, Movies, etc. then move all or as much of your data you can. then the rest to an external drive.
now you have it seperated, and placed into a home dir set up.
so now you can wipe the other partition, then upon re-installing. size wise hopefully you should still have enough room on the old partition to just re-install your new system, only this time seperate it. using the old partition for just root, and the new one for home/users
then during install just link the partitions mount point with your newly created /home to it and tell the install to NOT format.
this way it will use that as your /home already there as if it was in the frist place.
then when you add your user name you'll should just only get the error/warning user directory already created, but still the system will attach your user to that directory.
then after that is all said and done with a new OS set up seperate / and /home you can still resize using Gparted if need be while your in the new OS.
if size restrants avert you from that scenario then go the other way...
if your HDD is way to full to move most if not all of your personal data to the new partiton in that last scenario. Then hopefully it will still have enough room to still resize it, just enough to make a new partition of about 50GB maybe to much ???
mine is 75GB, nevertheless you'll need enough to get a new OS installed on it and if you can give a little more for growth.
Depending on you. If you take from the front it will have to move all of that data to the back to free up the front. if you just take from the back then time wise it should be faster. but think of the aftermath, your new OS will be running on the back end of your HDD. meaning the outter part of your disk means longer seek write times. milliseconds wise but still it is longer, then seeking and writing closer to the center of the platter.
the choise is yours of course.
but, the objective is the same, to split your HDD so you will have enough room to install a new system onto it without Personal data loss.
doing it this way you'll have what is left of your entire old system and personal data to deal with after words.
Logically, and theoretically in my mind this should still work.
If you still split the root / and /home when you install a new system onto your newly created partition using just / (root) and then when you tell it mount point for your /home the new system should still link just the /home that is already there to itself. Everything should be copesthetic in that respect the same would apply when you add your userName in the new OS.
then you'd just see what was left over from your mishap and will be able to just delete it from inside of your new OS. leaving your /home alone, and the left over or regained space would just be absorbed by the /home directory.
I hope you're getting my line of thought here.
if not let me know...
I have as well as I am sure others have done dual boots and linked the same home to both OS's. I tell you this to let you better understand the logic behind the second scenario in that it should more then not work.
I see my line of thought went from saving the system to screw the system and save your personal data...