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Old 06-28-2003, 03:33 AM   #1
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Philippines
Distribution: Red Hat Linux 9
Posts: 56

Rep: Reputation: 15


im very new to linux. i have just installed Redhat 9.

my system specs :

amd athlon xp 1800, nvidia ti 4400 128 ddr ram, 128+256 ddr ram, e70f monitor,56k robotics message modem, asus cd rom.

well since im really new i dont know how to set up my modem, RH doesnt seem to detect it on startup. How do i set it up? where can i find the driver of my modem?

and also can anyone help me with the driver of my monitor?at one time when i tried to install RH and it detected that my monitor was e70f, it just crashed(the display), but when i tried again it said that my monitor was unprobed and it works fine. btw i just choosed the e70 as my driver since it did not display any e70f, though i have the choice of e70, e70-1,e70-2,e70-3,e70-4. in which all of them got the same vsync and h sync. what should i do?

can you also help me with the drivers of my graphics card? i went to nvidia and seacrhed for linux drivers, but i dont know what to download.

please help me. thanks in advance.
Old 06-28-2003, 05:08 AM   #2
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Nvidia driver selection

Linux IA32

Read the page and instructions download the installer-whatever-the name file (do a search on installing nvidia driver in this forum as you'll probably want to know how to change run level to install it)

If you don't kow your monitor specs do a search on google for them and enter the ranges manually into your display setup panel. Monitor probe don't seem to work with Geforce at least for me also. Don't know the technical reason why.

Maybe someone else help you out with the dial-up modem as I haven't seen never mind touched one in years.
Old 06-28-2003, 07:21 AM   #3
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Ain't broadband grand, luckily (??) i'm on dialup

Aight... if the modem is external and serial, then you're 98% certainly sweet (dunno how accurate the statistic is ) external modems don't really get detected, though you need to have support compiled into the kernel. (assume you do).
If it's external, plug it in, turn it on, run kppp (or the ppp program of your choice) set it up and away you go. If that fails check your kernel configuration /boot/config ...

if it's internal, or usb, start serching the web to see if linux supports it, where the drivers are, and how to install them.

if it's external, serial and not working, get back to us, we're bound to be able to help you out.
Old 06-28-2003, 07:53 AM   #4
Registered: Jun 2003
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To setup your videocard / monitor combination, you can use the command "redhat-config-xfree86 -v" from a terminal session.

Of course you can also startup this tool out of the menu in both KDE and Gnome (I think it's called 'Display settings' in English), but it might be interesting to see what 'ddcprobe' is getting out of your monitor (the ddcprobe values are reported by the command "redhat-config-xfree86 -v").

If you're curious you can check out the following command :
"grep E70 /usr/share/hwdata/MonitorsDB"

With this command you do a search for the keyword 'E70' in the Monitor database (A plain ASCII file) which Red Hat Linux uses.

I assume you've got a ViewSonic monitor.
Here's the URL with specifications from this model :


The ViewSonic site mentions the following specifications :
- f h: 30~70kHz
- f v: 50~150Hz

So, it seems that support for this monitor is missing in the Red Hat Linux 9 hwdata monitor database. If you're in a techno-mood you can alter this file yourself, by adding a line like below to the file "/usr/share/hwdata/MonitorsDB" :

ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70f; 0; 30-70; 50-150; 1

If you don't want to do that, you can specify these frequency ranges with the graphical tool I mentioned before.

As for the ddcprobe problems, yes, some drivers for newer NVidia and ATI cards currently don't support the ddcprobes yet. Red Hat is aware of this (looking at the pages) and cannot fix this without help from the hardware manufacturers of the cards.

ps... here is the download page of NVidia 3d accelerated Linux drivers :

Good luck.
Old 06-28-2003, 02:27 PM   #5
Registered: Jun 2003
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thanks a lot guys.. you are really great...

im really sorry that i forgot to write that my modem is external and serial..

ill be trying your advice now.. and see if i can get to the net with linux.
Old 06-28-2003, 04:12 PM   #6
Registered: Jun 2003
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ok i have tried it. i run kppp but i cant query my modem. it says unable to open modem. what should i do???

and when i tried to run the .run file i have downloaded from nvidia it says x server is running i should come back when it is not.

i think i can read about the x server onthe manuals but i really need help on the modem..
Old 06-28-2003, 09:08 PM   #7
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Nvidia thing is to do with the run level, either change the run level default in /etc/initab to 3 or temporarily change it to 3 in grub when booting then you'll be able to run it.

Sorry I cant be of help with the modem but it's really a question of whether it's supported or not but there must be someone out there who knows for a fact how to get it all ship shape -just a matter of tiime.

My spelling has been inspired by Guinness so (hiccup) the Nvidia thing will be easily resolved eventually - modem is probably more important though.
Old 06-28-2003, 09:14 PM   #8
LQ Guru
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Originally posted by jaem
ok i have tried it. i run kppp but i cant query my modem. it says unable to open modem. what should i do???
/dev/ttyS0 -> com 1
/dev/ttyS1 -> com 2

Make a symbolic link called /dev/modem

ln -sf /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem

Now try /dev/modem for the modem and it should work.

# Redhat links
RedHat Linux Manuals
Get your mp3 support here
Maximum RPM
Easier software management: apt4rpm - Red Carpet
RedHat 8.0 Tips & Tricks

# Redhat 7.3 down configuration commands
setup leads to several configuration tools

# Redhat 7.3 up configuration commands
Configure soundcard:
Configure X server:
Configure network:

# Handling NTFS
New Technology FileSystem (NTFS) HOWTOs
Linux NTFS project

Last edited by fancypiper; 06-29-2003 at 01:39 PM.
Old 06-29-2003, 07:32 AM   #9
Registered: Dec 2002
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erm don't bother changing runlevels in files, just become root, using su in a konsole, then type
init 3
and the runlevel will go back to 3, which means Xserver is down.
change directory to where you downloaded the nvidia .run file, and run it there.

On the modem issue, if you plug it into the COM1 port (according to window ism).

just get kppp to query them until you find the one that detects the modem. Symlinks are great, but not really needed, since odds are you'll remember how to work it out. And won't be changing it anyway, ... of course, those arguments also work for creating a symlink
Old 06-29-2003, 01:23 PM   #10
Registered: Jun 2003
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Distribution: Red Hat Linux 9
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lolz.. too late. i already set my default to 3 and back..

i have solved(i think) my monitor and video card problem.

but is millions of colors = to 32 bit? or just 24?

my only problem now is how to setup my modem....

my modem is on COM 2.

can you explain to me symlinks?(i will try to look for it in the guide)

"/dev/ttyS0 -> com 1
/dev/ttyS2 -> com 2 "

what are those for? what should i do with it? prior to it?

please im really a n00b to this.
can you explain further please??

and really thanks to all your help guys... it was sure fullfilling to get my monitor and video card done.. thanks..
Old 06-29-2003, 01:46 PM   #11
LQ Guru
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Sparta, NC USA
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Rep: Reputation: 60
Oops, typo.
my modem is on COM 2
Then in Linux, your modem is connected to /dev/ttyS1

If you command:

ln -sf /dev/ttyS1 /dev/modem

You just created what is called a symbolic link called /dev/modem. Now you can use either /dev/modem or /dev/ttyS1 for the modem.

Here is my /etc/wvdial.conf for a sample:
Modem = /dev/ttyS0
Baud = 57600
SetVolume = 0
Dial Command = ATDT
Init1 = ATZ
FlowControl = Hardware (CRTSCTS)
[Dialer Infoave]
Phone = <phone>
Password = <password>
Username = <user>
Stupid Mode = 1
Inherits = Modem0
Old 06-29-2003, 08:37 PM   #12
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Philippines
Distribution: Red Hat Linux 9
Posts: 56

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Rep: Reputation: 15

hehe this is my first post using linux.

you guys are all great! thank you for all your help. hehe


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