Hello, firstly, sorry if this question has been asked already...
I've recently taken the plunge and installed Linux (Libranet 2.8.1) on my spare HDD, so i can learn to use it, then fully migrate over to it, when i'm a little more confident it's for me...
The only problem is, i don't know how to use it, any of it
I could probably pick most of it up, if only i could get on-line from it... but i can't as i'm using a wireless network adapter, which wasn't recognized during the install, and not being installed, i can't go on-line and get the drivers for it..
I've found the drivers for it using Micro$haft Windoze, but it's turning out to be a mission to get them from windows onto my Linux install, i don't have a CD burner, but i do however have a USB memory stick, if that's any help... and if i do need a CD burner i could get a friend to put it on disk for me.
Also, if i manage to get the drivers on to the Linux install, how do i install them, i'm confident once my net is up and running i'll be able to learn as i go, but it's really quite annoying and time consuming running into a problem, shutting down, restarting in windoze, finding the relevant information, putting it on a floppy or memory stick, going up stairs, printing it off (as it's usually several pages) shutting down and rebooting in Linux again, only to find that it doesn't work...
umm... i guess you'll need some more info if you are to help, i'm running Libranet 2.8.1, and (for any help with the install) the Wireless Adapter in question is an Actiontec 802uat1, and i think i'm right in believing that this is the correct driver for it "atu - Atmel AT76C50x USB IEEE 802.11b wireless network driver" due to it, and a whole array of other wireless adapters having the same chip running them...
If you need any other info let me know
[Edit] I also have a floppy drive, and have put the drivers onto a floppy from windows, but then Linux can't read from it, just as windows can't read from a floppy created in Linux, maybe there is some software that can let me put files on a Linux formatted floppy from within windoze, or read a windoze formatted floppy from within Linux, i did have a go with WINE, but haven't had enough experience with it to use it properly, and i keep getting an error when setting it up um error 8 i think
Thank you in advance, and sorry it was so long