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Old 12-01-2009, 08:00 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 17

Rep: Reputation: 0
Unhappy having problem with webmin

I'hav downloaded and installed webmin on my UBUNTU 9.04
I started the server using command-


I cannot access webmin using URL:


it shows error page saying :
Error - Bad Request

This web server is running in SSL mode. Try the URL https://localhost:10000/ instead.

and some error regarding certificates..
"localhost:10000 uses an invalid security certificate."

I did all this in root account.

please help me out....using webmin for first time..havn't got much idea.

I would appreciate if u provide links for installation and use of webmin.

Last edited by mansoor323; 12-01-2009 at 08:02 AM.
Old 12-01-2009, 10:02 AM   #2
Registered: Sep 2006
Location: Orange County, NY
Distribution: Ubuntu, Solaris, Android
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It is already installed correctly you need to go to https://localhost:10000/ and accept the security certificate then you will be fine. here is what has to say about it

# My browser complains about the Webmin certificate when in SSL mode

This happens because the default SSL certificate that is generated by webmin is not issued by a recognized certificate authority. From a security point of view, this makes the certificate less secure because an attacker could theoretically redirect traffic from your server to another machine without you knowing, which is normally impossible if using a proper SSL certificate. Network traffic is still encrypted though, so you are safe against attackers who are just listening in on your network connection.

If you want to be really sure that the Webmin server you are connecting to is really your own, the only solution is to order a certificate from an authority like Verisign that is associated with your server's hostname and will be recognized web browsers. This certificate should be placed in the file /etc/webmin/miniserv.pem and be in the same certifcate+key format as the existing miniserv.pem file.

To request a certificate, follow these steps :

* Run the command openssl genrsa -out key.pem 1024 . This will create the file key.pem which is your private key.
* Run the command openssl req -new -key key.pem -out req.pem . When it asks for the common name, be sure to enter the full hostname of your server as used in the URL, like This will create the file req.pem, which is the certificate signing request (CSR)
* Send the CSR to your certificate authority by whatever method they use. They should send you back a file that starts with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- which can be put in the file cert.pem.
* Combine the private key and certificate with the command cat key.pem cert.pem >/etc/webmin/miniserv.pem.
* Re-start webmin (making sure it is in SSL mode) to use the new key.

Last edited by jkzfixme; 12-01-2009 at 10:08 AM.


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