Hi this is my first post and omg i need help i decided to try Linux out the other day and i tryed the live CD of Unbuntu 6.06 and really liked it so decided to switch as i can run it on one pc while having the other using Xp.
System Specs
3700+ AMD 64
1GB Corsair RAM
DFI Motherboard can get the model nam if needed
2x 76GB Sata Raptor Drives
Anyway timeline of what i have done.
Xp was on the system everything was backed up on another pc so i launched the Live CD of Unbuntu 7.10 and went to install it all went though fine no problems i then restarted took the disk out booted from hardisk and got
GRUB GRUB Stage 1.5
GRUB something like failed to load Error 2
Now at this point i had installed it while the drives where in RAID-0 set up so i thought ok maybe thats the problem.
So i brought up my array and mirrored them instead which then wiped the drives of everything so i thought gdgd fresh start.
So i put Unbuntu 7.10 in again and when i selected install from the list i just got to busybox and it just stopped there and i had no idea what to do.
Next i put the Unbuntu 6.06 disc in thought i would give that ago now i went thought the install again no problems and this is where i am when i reboot i get.
GRUB GRUB Stage 1.5
then it just hangs there.
So i tryed going into Unbuntu 6.06 again via live cd and tryed something i read on this forum which in a nut shell was to go into the install and select the partion manually and have ( / /swap /boot) but not to format them all i got then was a msg saying you alrdy have a mount point to the patition.
Anyway i am a complete noob with linux and i am not really sure what to do would like any help anyone can give
thanks in advance.