Before stating my problem, I will go ahead and mention that I have looked through other threads about .bin files, but I'm running into an error that I haven't seen answered.
When attempting to run this .bin file, linux acts as if it doesn't know what a .bin is: looked through the forums and found out that it could be turned into an executable with chmod.
Attempted to "chmod +x" my JRE file. Linux doesn't know that "chmod +x" means.. so now I'm stuck.
me@me-desktop:~$ chmod +x
chmod: missing operand after `+x'
Try `chmod --help' for more information.
me@me-desktop:~$ chmod +x jre-6u23-linux-i586.bin
chmod: cannot access `jre-6u23-linux-i586.bin': No such file or directory
jre-6u23-linux-i586.bin is in location home/me/downloads
Should I be attempting to run it through a path such as: chmod +x home/me/downloads jre-6u23-linuc-i586.bin or is there some other more obvious way?