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Old 07-13-2003, 06:21 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2003
Distribution: Red Hat 9
Posts: 9

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GRUB / NTLDR problem dual booting

I know this topic has been posted here before but...

I have been trying to dual-boot Win2k and Red Hat 9 using one of two methods - either with NTLDR or with GRUB, and have been unable to get either to work. I can boot Win2k just fine, but NTLDR won't load Linux. Selecting Linux in NTLDR gives me a message along the lines of 'Windows 2000 was unable to load. Please check to see if \system32\ntoskrnl.exe is present.' (Sorry I didn't write it down, you get the idea.)

Both OSs work just fine on their own. I can get to Linux just fine by using a boot disk, or by changing the boot sequence in BIOS, but I want at least one of the bootloaders to work for me. Using the GRUB method, I don't think I am specifying the correct location for my Win2k partition in the grub.conf file. Win2k should be booting from /dev/sda1 but I'm not sure I am translating that correctly into grub.conf.

Here is the breakdown of my HDDs and partitions:

SCSI ID 0 - Win2k - 2 partitions - NTFS
IDE Pri Master - RH Linux - 3 partitions - ext3
IDE Pri Slave - Extra storage for Win2k - 1 partition - FAT32

I would love to get out of this without having to alter the MBR on my Win2k partition - I'm not sure if I want to keep Red Hat right now or try another distro (RH9 is pretty slow).

Thanks very much for any help!
Old 07-14-2003, 01:12 PM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Feb 2001
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Yes, this topic is everywhere...

You can install GRUB in the MBR of the primary IDE and go from there.
You will also need to map the disks.

In this forum, do a search for dual boot grub, you will find many Threads concerning your question.

Also, if you need more information concerning GRUB configuration, the GRUB Manual is available.


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