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Old 01-07-2008, 04:44 PM   #31
LQ Newbie
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results from vgscan and pvs

vgscan first....

Found Volume Group "VolGroup00" using metadata type lvm2


PV /dev/sdb3
VG VolGroup00
fmt lvm2
attr a-
PSize 25.47G
PFree 32.00M
Old 01-07-2008, 04:46 PM   #32
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also, I forgot to include a question. When PFree reported 32.00M is it referring to the free space on the partition? The only thing installed in the 25G linux partition is fedora. How could that be?
Old 01-07-2008, 05:41 PM   #33
Registered: Feb 2006
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Try this:

# mkdir /mnt/fedora
# vgchange -ay
# mount /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 /mnt/fedora
# mv /mnt/fedora/etc/X11/xorg.conf{,.bak}
# cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /mnt/fedora/etc/X11

Restart the system and see if you have access to fedora

Old 01-07-2008, 07:17 PM   #34
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No luck....

I appreciate all the help, but I've wasted another day and it' time to move on. (btw it appears that more than one distro "chokes" on the radeon video card. I tried to install ubuntu, just for giggles, and halfway through the install, the monitor went blank and flashed it's no signal message)

I was able to make the mount directory, but the vgchange -ay was not found. I was able to mount /dev/sdb2 (the boot partition I think) and tried to mount /dev/sdb3 from there but it wasn't a device, and tried lvm but it is not a filesystem so that didn't work either. I also tried VolGroup00 but it was not found.

I am going to download the knoppix live cd and give it a look, but so far the only distro that has worked with my video card is the simplymepis.

One last question, when I install from the simplyMEPIS cd will it overwrite all of the fedora files, or do I need to remove them first, and how would I do that if I can't mount sdb3?

Thanks again,
Old 01-07-2008, 07:37 PM   #35
Registered: Feb 2006
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If you want to install simplymepis, and you do that on the sdb3 partition, then yes, it will format that partition (unless you tell it not to which is not recommended).

The simplymepis installer will provide you with the needed tools to format or create new partitions, as advised before, you should take out the LVM partitions since isn't much benefif for you and create new partitions without the LVM scheme.

Simply put, format /boot (sdb2) and use the simplymepis installer to use that partition as /boot and format sdb3 to be used as / or you could create more partitions so you could have something like / (sdb3) /home (sdb4)....the partition have to be unmounted to be formatted so that won't be a problem for you.

Is odd that you could use vgscan and not vgchange since (AFAIK) both are part of LVM2 tools, but if you want to install simplymepis that's OK.

Old 01-07-2008, 10:19 PM   #36
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When you enter the grub boot loader, try sending this to the kernel:

linux init=/bin/bash

I know this works for the lilo loader, and I assume it will work with grub as well. It will your machine into a root-only mode designed for repairs. I actually just learned how to do this, and then how to protect it, as it can leave your computer very insecure from physical side (no password prompts, etc.).

Hope that helps.
Old 01-09-2008, 06:25 PM   #37
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Greetings from Ubuntu........finally!

Thanks to all for the help and support. It's been an interesting couple of days.

First, I decided to give fedora 1 more chance...I re-installed it, getting rid of the LVM etc and used straight partitions. Everything went very smoothly. When it was time to re-boot, fedora loaded up to the same point, and then the monitor shut off and all was dead. I tried to get back to XP to get more help, but I must have done something wrong in the install, because there was no way to boot XP!

So, there I was, frantically trying to get something to load. I finally decided that there was nothing I could do to fix it, so I inserted the Ubuntu live cd and gave it a whirl. I had tried before, and it had crashed just like fedora (with the monitor just shutting off). This time, I selected starting it in a safe video mode. The live version worked, so I chose the install icon.

I'm sure I'll be asking a lot of questions as I continue to fine tune the install, but at least I've got a working distro with network access.

Thanks again,
Old 01-09-2008, 06:53 PM   #38
Registered: Feb 2006
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Gate$ sold you that monitor didn't he? ¬¬ I hate when he does that!

Anyway, good to know that you have at least one working distribution

Old 01-09-2008, 08:21 PM   #39
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a quick off-topic question if it's ok...

Does anyone know of a good forum offering help with virus'. My son just got one on his XP computer that I've never encountered before. His computer behaves normally until he clicks on the security/update icon, then it reboots. It also reboots whenever he tries to access the internet (ie starting his web browser and it attempting to load his default/home page)

I can use all the networking in safemode, so I'm pretty sure it's a nasty little virus.

If you know of any forums that could help, I'd sure appreciate it.

Old 01-09-2008, 08:30 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by lhswanson View Post
Does anyone know of a good forum offering help with virus'. My son just got one on his XP computer
About every question not covered by our LQ fora could be asked in /General. I'm sure we've got enough people here who deal or have dealt with with viruses on ClippyOS.
Old 01-09-2008, 08:35 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Acron_0248 View Post
Anyway, good to know that you have at least one working distribution
Yes, absolutely!

If you have any more problems with the Radeon video card, go here for the correct driver and installation info.

Old 01-09-2008, 09:00 PM   #42
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I know some variants of bagle that are able to reboot the system if something 'administrative' (like opening regedit) or virus cleaning is intended.

You could run the MWav utility, is free but doesn't clean, except some variants of virus that restart the PC automatically. You can buy it also but if you have the bagle variant I know, won't be necessary.

The utility can be downloaded from mwti page.

About a virus' forum related, there's Geeks to Go and Spywareinfo.

Old 01-09-2008, 09:26 PM   #43
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kernel: [drm] writeback test failed
I'm too lazy to read the whole thread, sorry. Writeback is known to cause problems with VIA chipsets. If you have VIA try disabling this feature in BIOS and xorg.conf. My two cents.
Old 01-09-2008, 11:13 PM   #44
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Best way of cleaning viruses: temporarily disable your virus scanner and run an on-line scanner (panda or macafee or kasperksy or ... - plenty to choose from). I always got very good results from panda but I'm afraid I haven't kept up lately so I can't tell which one would be the best these days.

Last edited by jay73; 01-10-2008 at 06:08 AM.
Old 01-10-2008, 12:53 AM   #45
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Got the ati video driver, now what?

Hi Bill, and all.....

I followed the link provided, and downloaded the automatic video driver installer from ati. The download saved it to the desktop (51MB it's there).

I opened a terminal window and typed the filename and got everything from not found to permission denied. The filename is:

I tried to log on as root (Ubuntu) and got "invalid username or password".I wrote the password down, so I'm pretty sure it's right, so I don't know how to run the installer.

This could be a long process.....Hope your patience holds out!



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