Hi all,
I'm experiencing a little problem with Gnuplot:
I want to make a plot of a data file which contains of 2 colums: the first one is the date
and the second one is the CPU usage in %.
As you can see, multiple CPU times exists for one day.
But, gnuplot only plots the "13/6 64" and the "13/6 62" lines, not the others...
What did I wrong?
set terminal png truecolor
set output "test.png"
set autoscale
set style data lines
set xdata time
set timefmt "%d/%m"
plot "stats_cpu.txt" using 1:2 with boxes
13/6 63
13/6 70
13/6 60
13/6 64
14/6 62
14/6 63
14/6 57
Here is the output: