Hey guys,
Total n00b here
I've just started using linux for my college work.
Im using Ubuntu 5.04 and it comes with gnome.
everything was working fine untill yesterday when my supervisor
mounted my home directory on the network to appear on as the
home directory on my local machine.
the directory is mounted every time i log in, think its in fstab?
the idea is that any work i save will be stored on the network
instead of on this machine as i will be changing machines in the next
week or two and the network dirs are backed up, etc...
The problem is that whenever i log in now im missing the menu bars
at the top and bottom of the screen (applications, places and system)
if i log in as a different user then it works fine.
he said its probably something to do with a setting file that
gnome looks for in the home directory but that its probably not
seeing the correct one in the mounted home dir.
the weirdest thing is that if i log in and open up a folder on my
desktop and mess about with it the menu will eventually appear
after about 5 min.
i deleted .gnome .gnome2 and .gnome2_private from my home dir
in the hopes that it would create default settings for me if it didnt find
those files,
maybe i deleted the wrong ones or do i need to edit something?
any help would be appreciated, thanks.
p.s. it would be helpful if any advice could be dumbed down a bit,
finding all this really difficult.