Gnome Debian Etch VMWare mouse problem
So I've been running on Vista/VMWare Player/Debian Etch/Gnome for several months, doing more complicated development using Eclipse. I decided to try and fix an annoying thing where I have to type a space after the quote, otherwise I get the Unicode char, which gcc does not like.
So I see some comments about editing xorg.conf in the Input Device Keyboard Layout section, which I did (saving the previous version), reboot, and now.... Mouse quit working??... hmmmmm
So I use keyboard shortcuts to restore the old xorg.conf - no luck.
It occurs to me I have not rebooted this image in several weeks, at least, so maybe these are not related to the xorg.conf at all, and my mouse driver was osed up such that the reboot showed the problem.
Any ideas out there? I know very little about how the mouse is configured, it's been working from day one -