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Old 11-20-2003, 04:42 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 5

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General question about RPM's


Just wondering, I just installed RedHat 8 and have Mozilla 1.01 installed.
If I want to update Mozilla through synaptic or RHN i can only upgrade to 1.02 or something like that.

My question is why wouldn't they provide the latest version of Mozilla as an rpm such as Mozilla 1.5.
That goes with alot of other applications installed. Samba is another example.

Should I be installing the versions provided through synaptic or should I be dropping the packages that are currently installed and getting the latest updates?
Old 11-20-2003, 05:40 PM   #2
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Well, 1.0 was the best version they could get at the time they released RH8. Seeing as 8 is not the current version, I doubt they'll do much in the way of updating packages. They might release fixes, but prob'ly not much else.

You can download the latest version from and install. I have 1.5 running on Fedora, which came with 1.4. It's pretty easy to do...

Download the .sea.tar.gz for the version you want to a directory called downloads in your home directory.

Open a terminal window and cd to downloads.

Run "tar -xzf mozilla*gz". This will unzip/untar the file, and create a directory called mozilla-installer.

"cd mozilla-installer" to move into the new directory. Then, run "./mozilla-installer". If you run it as root, you can install it so any user can use it. If you run it as a user, you can only install it into your home directory, and only you can use it.
Old 11-21-2003, 06:31 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
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Ok, so it's pretty much fixes that are available and we have to update everything ourselves unless we get a newer distro.


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