For 2 years now I’ve been messing up with Linux. My normal answer is: in case of a problem REINSTALL!
Well over 50 installations later, I’m very familiar with how to use the graphical install procedure of RedHat!
I know how to do some basic tasks like creating an account fetching e-mail, browsing the web, playing Gataxx ( I really like this game). But I want to go for some new challenges…
I have a little FTP server on my Win2000 PC. With no anonymous access.
I’d like to install something that could enable file exchange from my Linux server that would more secure and still allow me to manage accounts and rights.
So is it possible to do such a task with a http server in an ssl connection? Will the user be able to upload to my server, or is it just with ftp that you can upload to the server?
Until Later,
ThecknoDecker out!