Frustrated newbie....internet problems
Hey everyone. Ever get to that point where you overload your mind and it turns to mush? That's where I am right now.
I got a spare PC and decided I'd give Linux a try on it (Redhat 9). Until I really learn Linux my plan is to have this PC be my firewall/router.
I've gotten the Linux PC up and connected to the Internet....with no big problems. Then I hit a brick wall when I tried to get my other PC (Windows XP) to access the net.
The machines can see each other, can ping each other, but the XP machine is just not getting out.
Can someone help me?? Before I drive myself crazy and totally give up?
At this point I don't really care about sharing files between the 2 PC's, I'd just love to be able to share the internet connection (which is DSL).
Also if anyone could help me via the Gnome GUI, that's even better (I'm a little itimidated by the command prompt)
Thanks in advance