what kind of modem you have
if you have an internal modem, which is not a winmodem, you need to enter this command.
exec setserial /dev/ttyS4 irq 9 port 0xb000 ^fourport ^auto_irq skip_test autoconfig spd_vhi
press enter; after you press enter the xterm will close, you need to open it again so you can enter the cat /proc/pci command.
then you need to enter the cat command which is.
cat /proc/pci
look for (rev 1) and write down the IRQ number and the I\O at 0xc000
in my computer the irq number is 5 and the I/O is 0xc000 ,so look at the one in your computer.
the 0xc000 is zeros not o like othello, and to find this sign ^ you must press the shift key and the number 6 where the sigh is located.
if your modem is on com3 under windows, it will be ttyS2,so remember com1 for windows is ttyS0 for linux.
all of these explaination are for the second command which is.
setserial /dev/ttyS1 irq5(replace the ttys1 by your modem com and the 5 by your IRQ number)
(replace the 0xc000 by the one of your I/O)
this is the real command.
setserial /dev/ttyS1 irq 5 port 0xc000 autoconfig
press enter
then enter this command to finist.
ln this is not i it is a l for lory.
this is the command
ln /dev/ttyS1 /dev/modem
then press enter.
have fun and good luck;please stay out of trouble
sincerely, clinton