Fonts Help RedHat 9 GNOME w/ Hebrew
Okie, few things
I have RH9 with gnome and I use hebrew as main language, I try to run gedit and it writes nothing but english.
1. How do I switch to another language? (the font in gedit supports hebrew)
2. How do I switch the writing format (from right-to-left TO left-to-write).
3. My console has no quoations marks, actually any of the edits have that mark, its hard to program or to qoute someone with it, instead it shows me a blank letter.
here is some info:
$LANG = he_IL.UTF-8
SUPPORTED var (in console) = en_US.UTF-8:en_US:en:he_IL.UTF-8:he_IL:he
thanks, bar.
any refernece to a tutorial or something would be wonderfull and charmy, and sexy as well.