Originally Posted by battleship
This is the first time Ive dl'ed a torrent distro, Mandriva 2010 free & I have a ? What am I supposed to do with the other files that came with the distro?
If you downloaded a 'ISO' image file for a particular distribution then the practice is to check the image for validity by using 'md5sum'. By checking the 'hash' you insure that the image is valid.
The 'md5sum' or 'hash' is very important to learn to use and too regularly get in the habit of utilizing it. You can get a sum checker for M$ if need be; '
For GNU/Linux the '
man md5sum' will get you all the information to perform the check. You can get the 'man command' from the 'cli' at anytime.
Since you downloaded the CD/DVD ISO then be sure to check the md5sum for the original ISO. From the cli;
~#cd /downloadisolocation #cdromiso.iso cdromiso.md5
~#md5sum -c cdromiso.md5 #substitute the correct name to check
If the ISO md5 is OK then proceed to create a CD/DVD of the image. You should then check the image burn with
This way you will know if the burn was OK!
If you do the above checks for the download ISO with the known md5sum code, the md5sum should be available from the site that you get the ISO. You should do the check for any download that you might perform, even a LiveCD. Plus burn the image. Sometimes you may need to lower the burn rate to get a valid burn.
These links and others can be found at '
Slackware-Links'. More than just SlackwareŽ links!