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In bash, you can also exclude files using a simple
extended globbing rule.
shopt -s extglob #It's not enabled by default
echo !(*.gz) #Glob patterns can be used with almost any command,
#as they're expanded by the shell before execution.
extended globbing
Originally Posted by Didier Spaier
For grep, * means "match what follows zero or more times".
Huh? It means no such thing.
grep uses
regular expressions in its pattern matching, and in regex, "
*" means "
match the previous character zero or more times". "
*.gz" is thus
not a valid regular expression (there's no previous character), although it is a valid globbing pattern. The regex equivalent for that glob pattern is "
^.*\.gz$". "
." in regex means "
any character", "
^" is
start of line", and "
$" is "
end of line". Note that the second period has to be backslash-escaped to make it literal.
Actually, the "
^.*" part is really not necessary since the expression is anchored to the end of the line, so "
\.gz$" is equivalent.
The "
gz$" used above does also work for the most part, but do be aware that it will match
any string that ends in "gz", e.g. "thingz".
Learning how to properly use regular expressions is one of the best bang-for-the-buck subjects you can spend your time on. A very large number of programs support, or even depend on, them.
Here are a few regular expressions tutorials:
Finally, be aware that
parsing ls is generally
not recommended. Use globbing patterns for simple file matching, and
find for more complex ones, although it usually takes a bit more work to
handle find's output safely.
Edit: One more point. Unlike shell globbing,
find searches recursively, so it would return all matching files in subdirectories as well. Use the
-maxdepth option to restrict it to the current directory only, as demonstrated by suicidaleggroll. Also, be aware that the
-name options use globbing patterns (but not bash's extended globs). There's a separate set of
-regex options if you need more sophisticated pattern matching.
Here are a couple of good links about using find: