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Old 10-11-2004, 09:16 PM   #1
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: uk
Distribution: fedora2, slackware10
Posts: 54

Rep: Reputation: 15
fedora 2 hungs at reboot


I've just rented a dedicated server with fedora core 2 installed on the machine. the system always hungs when i perform a reboot command, since it is a remote machine, I can only use ssh to control it, I don't know what is the reason the reboot or shutdown -r now commands cause the machine to hung, and stops response, so that I have to e-mail the customer service to mannually reboot the machine for me. the technical department cannot solve this problem, they have changed all my hardw are apart from the harddisk, and also updated my kernel.

one more thing, this only happen when the system is on after a few days, for example, if the system is just rebooted a few hours ago, I can still reboot it without any problem. If the system is on for like 3 or 4 days, then I perform a reboot command, it hungs, then I lose the connection to the server.

I wish I could write it in more details, but I can only ssh to the machine.

anyone got any idea, what might be wrong,


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