failed to load module "glx"
So I finally got red hat linux to open x by installing the new nvidia drivers for my Geforce4 and editing the XF86Config file (well sort of i still had no sound and my wireless keyboard / mouse didnt work). Red hat then notified me that I had all these updates avaible including an update to the kernel. Not realizing that this would set me back I donwloaded these and installed them. At this point the new kernel would not work right with video when x was loaded but the old kernel still worked. I checked out the XF86Config file (is it the same one or a second?) anyway that looked fine. I figured I'd try to install the driver again. Did that, it said it didnt have a precompiled driver for the kernel so it compiled one for me and installed it. Now the video does not work for the new kernel when i start x (no change) and it doesnt work for the old kernel when i start x (bad change). I got these two errors in some log file that opened after it tried to open x (on the new kernel) and failed...
(EE) /usr/X11/lib/modules/extensions/ is an unrecogtnized module type
(EE) Failed to load module "glx" (unknown module type, 6)
there are some other errors during boot of the old kernel but they flew by too fast to write down and I'd rather just get the new kernel working.
How do I get the glx module to be recognized and loaded? If that is indeed what I need to do. If not, How do I get my video to work for the new kernel?