I have some "Frequently Asked Dumb Questions"
about my Mandrake 9.0 installation with KDE, Windowmaker, Icewin, Enlightenment and full set Open Office programs
1) My internet connection in Mandrake works, LInk is active, but my Galeon, Mozilla and Konquror browsers refuse to show any pages apart from local host pages. Is this a confusion with the settings of the LAN I set up before hand under a router, or do I need to change the dial-up program's settings out from Root control to general user control. There seems to be some trick to this, but I cannot figure it out. Seemingly KDE startup's cannot let me use the internet connection for HTTP browsing, but when I start in Windowmaker or Enlightenment, I am able to do so? Sometimes I need to login as ROOT, or change my user state to ROOT to get the KPPP to work. Please point me to a guide that explains this.
I know I have read it before, but I cannot find it although I have spent around 4 hours searching for it.
2) Somtimes my FDD hangs awkwadly. In Konquror I can see the mountable drives, but I cannot always get to see the contents. If I do, I cannot easily change to another floppy drive. Do I need to command-line prompt an unmount command or should the supermount utility be changed or updated.
3) Is there a short-cut way of getting to KILL options in the event of a system hang. Is this like the Windows <CTRL><ALT><DEL> key presses?
Sorry for asking really dumb questions, but after a few months of intensive fiddling, these are the matters that kinda stand out in my mind as issues that make me feel like i still have my 'Linux Floaties' on.