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Old 01-05-2010, 04:50 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
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Unhappy Ext HDD will not boot

I have 2 laptops in front of me, one supporting Linux mint 6, and the other being windows 7. on the Toshiba(Linux mint) laptop i can boot the Ext HDD containing Linux mint 7, But i am unable to boot that same Ext HDD on the windows 7 laptop. the issue is that after selecting to boot the Ext HDD, the screen goes black aside from the blinking cursor, which remains blinking forever(for the 10 minutes i waited)

I don't understand how it would read on one laptop and not the other.

also just a random thing, i can put a .ISO file onto a cd to run it as a live but i cannot do the same to a usb(trying to make a usb install for linux mint 8)
Old 01-05-2010, 04:59 AM   #2
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Sounds like a bios issue.
Old 01-05-2010, 05:14 AM   #3
Fred Caro
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usb booting

Dear sir,
I'm sure there will be many replies available.
Two issues:

1. bios settings and ability
2. bootloader compatability

I am guessing but 2 versions of mint will be similar and both grub booted. Windows will boot from usb but you have to edit the boot instructions from notepad but be sure to save a copy of the original boot within notepad before changing.

Old 01-05-2010, 07:41 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by cdarrah010 View Post
I have 2 laptops in front of me, one supporting Linux mint 6, and the other being windows 7. on the Toshiba(Linux mint) laptop i can boot the Ext HDD containing Linux mint 7, But i am unable to boot that same Ext HDD on the windows 7 laptop. the issue is that after selecting to boot the Ext HDD, the screen goes black aside from the blinking cursor, which remains blinking forever(for the 10 minutes i waited)

I don't understand how it would read on one laptop and not the other.
First, laptops the same? Sounds like a configuration problem. Do you have the necessary driver(s) for the hardware?

As stated, if the machines are not identical hardware then you may need to have modules for the kernel to support the hardware. I suggest that you get a 'LiveCD' from 'The LiveCD List' to boot then see what modules are needed.

Originally Posted by cdarrah010 View Post
also just a random thing, i can put a .ISO file onto a cd to run it as a live but i cannot do the same to a usb(trying to make a usb install for linux mint 8)
I suggest that you do a search here on LQ as this has been covered many times. Otherwise start a new thread as this is not related to this one.

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