i'm trying to add my eth0 IP address and host name.
I was using webmin at one stage to add it in, under the part in webmin
were it shows you localhost, local.domain etc at and i was adding a new one in 10.x.x.x
www.mysite.com or mysite.com
last time i looked it had localhost, local.domain, mysite
and my shell command looks like this
[root@www root]#
so that seems to be ok.
I cant view my URL from linux box using the URL address, but i can view it using IP address. when i did edit that page i was able to view my URL from linux ok
I am now using a linux shell, and i cant seem to remember what it was called so i can look it up.
my httpd is running ok, and i wish to add in a subdomain called
www.forums.mysite.com some time later, thats why i wish to know how to add it via the command...
any one get what i mean...