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Old 10-15-2003, 01:39 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 17

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/etc/hosts file

I am running RedHat 7.3. I have a local intranet. My Linux box is configured to get it's ip from the Home Gateway which is also a DHCP server. I have been attempting confire the gateway with DMZ as to access the webserver from the internet (via ip address),without a host name. In the midts of trying, I experimented by, bypassing the Gateway and going straight into my Road Runner Cable modem. I restarted my net services on my Linux box and received an address of 65.x.x.x. I then decided to switch back to connecting the Gateway to share the internet connection with a w2k box. Upon connecting to the Gateway I restarted my net services and a funny thing happened, I STILL RECEIVE THE 64.X.X.X address instead of a 192.x.x.x address. I reconfigured the Gateway from the DMZ setting, back to the DHCP server only. Also, while getting the ip of 65.x.x.x I was also getting a broacast message of 192.168.x.x. I also had no internet access. I have tried all I know to try...

I have now shut everything down, then went directly from the Linux box to the RR cable modem. I then powered up the cable modem, and then powered up the Linux box. I still have the ip address of 65.x.x.x, which I believe could be correct only upon IFCONFIG, I have DNS servers with ip's of 24.x.x.x, which is typical for Road Runner...

Any ideas/help as to why the SAME IP no matter how connected, are greatly appreciated...

the best thing about Linux I have found so far is the fact that Linux gives me the power to totally configure my PC. So I am willing to bet I just need to reconfigure a file, I am just not sure which one.

On boot, what file does eth0 get its information????

thanks for listening...

Old 10-15-2003, 01:44 AM   #2
Registered: May 2003
Location: India
Distribution: Knoppix, RedHat
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use netconfig

or redhat-config-network to reconfigure

rahul sundaram
Old 10-16-2003, 01:39 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
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thanks for all the help...
Old 10-16-2003, 01:52 AM   #4
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: San Deigo, CA
Distribution: FC3, Win2k Server, XP Pro & 2003 Server
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or..down load Webmin @

easy to use 1 shoot GUI admin
Old 10-16-2003, 06:03 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 17

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Thanks I will try it out...however what is "1shoot"...

I have verified the files and the system is set to receive DHCP. It acts as though it has a static IP of I only work on the system late at night, and I have changed something, but cannot find it...I will keep on trouble shooting through the weekend. Since it is a test system I can always reload the nic, or even the whole system. It is a important test system, as I will be bringing a webserver online at work, with the same OS, and almost the same hardware. Although it will have a "rea" hostname and static IP, so this specific won't be an issue. However as with any trouble, I have the chance to learn and grow.

thanks again,


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