Hi everyone,
I am getting error while trying to execute a tcl code about encryption. I added new packet type, called Security_packet, and made updates on NS2.
The changes that I have done is in the attachment.
Also, I updated the Makefile by adding apps/Security_packet.o
Lasly, I runned make clean and make command and did not get any error while compiling.
However, trying to execute Ceaser.tcl file, I am getting this error.
Error is as follows:
ns Ceaser.tcl
invalid command name "Agent/Security_packet"
while executing
"Agent/Security_packet instproc recv {from rtt mess originmess hash} {
$self instvar node_
puts "node [$node_ id] received packet from \
(file "Ceaser.tcl" line 46)
Where is the missing part? Pls, help me to correct this code.
Thank you..