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Old 08-10-2012, 02:13 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2010
Posts: 54

Rep: Reputation: 1
error displaying help in rhel 5


i have newly installed rhel5.7. i found when i click under applications, and epen some application. go to help and click on contents ..

i am getting error:
There was an error displaying help.

There was an error launching the default action command associated with this location.

any ideas?

Old 08-10-2012, 05:38 AM   #2
John VV
LQ Muse
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not all linux programs behave the same way as Microsoft Windows

launch it from the terminal with "--help"
gedit --help
------ or if you installed and are using KDE---------
kate --help 

gimp --help

------------- or the manual --------
man gedit 

man kate
also unless you MUST use 5.7
you might want to upgrade to the current version in the old 5 series " 5.8 "
the current version of red hat

with RHEL seeing as Red Hat is NOT free , and you MUST buy a license
you might as well use the support you bought with the license

your very first stop might want to be the red hat knowledge base
log in to the site with the user name and pass you set up with the license
Old 08-11-2012, 04:21 AM   #3
Registered: Apr 2010
Posts: 54

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 1
hi i will check that.

but why it is happening. do you think packages are missing or i need to resinstall that particular application.

this is happening for application having "Contens" options under Help menu.

does this help is specific to package. or when i install linux, it will install man and all other help as well.

Old 08-11-2012, 04:39 AM   #4
John VV
LQ Muse
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not every program will have a help option in a gui
and even if there is a "help" option in the toolbar there might NOT be a file for it to read

most things in the *nix world tend to use the terminal
GUI's are a after thought or not even used

there are many programs i use daily that do not use a gui

for red hat
seeing as you did buy the required license ( red hat is not free)
you have access to the red hat support that you bought

one place is the red hat knowledge base
log in to the red hat web site with the username and pass you set up with the license
and search a key work or topic

the documentation is free for EVERYONE to read

or there is the wiki for a DIFFERENT Operating System
CentOS -- a FREE rebuild of RHEL
but not everything for cent can be 100% used on RHEL. --- 95 to 98% can ----


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