Hi All
What is the Easiest way to Add Postgres to existing fedora core 3 installation?
I run an install and get
error: Failed dependencies:
libcrypto.so.5 is needed by postgresql-server-8.0.1-5.i386
libkrb5.so.3(krb5_3_MIT) is needed by postgresql-server-8.0.1-5.i386
libreadline.so.5 is needed by postgresql-server-8.0.1-5.i386
libssl.so.5 is needed by postgresql-server-8.0.1-5.i386
postgresql = 8.0.1-5 is needed by postgresql-server-8.0.1-5.i386
when I pursue each of the failed dependencies I get lots more when I try to
install the first 5
Isn't there an easer way?
Thanks Guy