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Old 07-19-2004, 02:02 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: California
Distribution: mandrake linux 10
Posts: 2

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dual monitor setup question

This may sound a bit silly, but here goes,

I have a dual monitor setup and in windows XP the agp card initializes as primary and my pci card as secondary, but in linux mandrake 10, the setup inits. the pci card first as primary and agp as secondary so my question is:

How do i either disable the pci card entirely (so as to not have any output at all to the 2nd screen) for when i use linux (as its summer here and i dont use a dual monitor all the time due to the extra heat it puts out in the room) OR,

how do i reverse the situation and have linux boot with my agp card as the primary display and correctly positioned? they both function fine and with proper resolutions but the problem is, the physical locations of the monitors themselves are backward according to linux (and i cant move them as i like this monitor with this card, and vice versa, so of course i'm wondering if there is a control option here somewhere i seem to have overlooked? thank you

Old 07-19-2004, 02:10 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2004
Posts: 5

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If you mean which card shows the boot text, in my experience the AGP/PCI preference is set in the BIOS, but I'm just getting into multi-card configurations myself.

Monitor location will be found in your XF6Config or XF86Config-4 file, in the "ServerLayout" section.

Use "ls /var/log/X*" to finfd the most recently used updated X log then use less(1) to figure ot which config file your server's using.

Locate(1) should find the config file itself.


P.S. Re-reading yourquestion, if you're talking which card gets the "root desktop", that's probably related to the order the cards are declared in XF86config[-4] or (more likely) the order they're declared in the ServerLayout section.

Last edited by BobSmith401; 07-19-2004 at 02:14 PM.
Old 07-19-2004, 05:27 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: flatland
Distribution: Linux Mint 18.3
Posts: 5

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Am struggling with same issue: Mandrake is finding both onboard and PCI cards (yea!), but I want to work only from the PCI card. There is a Linux multi-monitor Clone monitor command prompt solution I found by Googling, but command prompting is above my current Übernoob pay scale.

Speaking of command solutions, how do I edit the declarations for XF86Config-4 and ServerLayout? Is there a GUI I can use for this?

The BIOS solution would have been sweet, but it wouldn't let me deactivate the onboard card, only switch the boot text display to the PCI card. After the boot sequence, Mandrake still grabs both cards and shunts my good card to the right of the main display.

Übernoob, trying to remember how to command prompt.


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