I have a new Sony Vaio laptop VGN-FZ19VN with Windows Vista Pre-Installed.
When i was installing Kubuntu i resized the Vista partition form the live cd (:@:@:@) and i also created a root, a home and a swap partition.
linux is booting perfectly
but not vista (i manually added an entry in the grub's menu.lst) The problem is that beside the vista's bootloader is starting i still can't get a login screen but blank screen.
There is a recovery partition but a am also getting a blank screen.
I have no Vista-DVD or Recovery DVD :'(
What can i do?
PS I also tried to run a chdsk from a WinXP-SP2 bootable cd but it can't find any storage device( and there is no floppy to load the driver from there -usb stick is not recognized )