Thanks for the advice sag47
While waiting for my first post to be moderated, I got a little bit further.
I used Rescutux to repair GRUB on the Linpus partition and have been able to modify menu.lst to choose between Linpus and Windows XP.
Partitions are as follows (all on hd0)
sda0 = Linpus recovery
sda1 = Linpus
sda2 = Windows XP
In menu.lst
title Windows XP
root (hd0,2)
chainloader +1
The problem I now have is that ‘makeactive’ (or maybe Windows XP too) is setting the bootable flag (asterisk in fdisk partition table) to TRUE for sda2. This is a hitch because the BIOS seems incapable of booting anything other than the Linpus ext3 partition. So I need it to always start from the GRUB menu on the Linpus partition.
Is there a way to make the active/boot partition sda1 when Windows XP shuts down? E.g. put something like this in menu.lst:
title Windows XP
root (hd0,2)
chainloader +1
# make Linpus partition active
root (hd0,1)
Or is there a neater solution to make sda2 the active partition just before WinXP boots, but keep sda1 active the rest of the time?
For some background on the BIOS issue, please see my post here: as Excalibran.