What I tried tonight was using the 1st CD of the install set to get into RESCUE mode. I then tried to follow some instructions I have on copying the boot.ini file over to my Windows C: drive and adding the following line at the end of the file:
Because I was in rescue mode, this required creating /mnt/floppy, but I figured out how to do that and I was able to successfully copy the file over to my C: drive, but when I opened it up in Notepad it was all CRYPTIC- nothing like the boot.ini file I have seen an example of, just a bunch of symbols and gobbleygook.
What's going on here - could that be the problem, a corrupt boot.ini file? If so, I suppose I could edit it to look like the EXAMPLE one I've seen but I'm unclear about how I'd configure it exactly. Here's the EXAMPLE I've seen, I repeat this isn't mine, mine is all crazy.
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect
Also, should I be able to start GRUB from the rescue mode? If so, how? But, don't forget my first question, is my boot.ini file the problem?