Originally posted by sparkplug55
Just got Red Hat 9 dual booting with XP, and everything looks good so far. I am new to Linux so could someone explain downloading files and programs, compared to windows. First I just want to download the latest version of Mozilla and install it.
Help a Newbie please. Thanks in advance
Installing can be quite a bit different, depending on how you get the file, where you get it from, and the form it comes in. In linux it's not always as simple as:
Click the 'Setup.exe' and click next 3 times and go.
Instead, check out:
There's a how-to on installing software. There should also be some documentation from RedHat:
That might help to figure out how to install certain types of software.
And a few ideas on where to go to get software:
Number 1: Your install CD's. Search those for any packages you are looking for, a lot of the time, it's right there.
And of course, google.com/linux for the homepage of the software vendor if you cannot find it otherwise