Download to xp screwed up boot?
Hi.....can anybody assist me in my latest screw-up?
Had (have?) Win xp on master drive + logical drives containg personal stuff.
Had (have?) slave drive with SuSE + xandros + some 20 GB of unpartitoned space.
Everything was working hunky dory until I downloaded an upgrade for a prog in xp. Told to reboot upon which I had a screen full off "99"'s. Blindly tried a number of things out of desperation 'cos I haven't a clue, all to no avail.
Had a few drinks and decided to install a Mepis os that I bought but too cowardly to do anything with; as a last resort. Anyway, it went well and as you see I am 'back' but the boot up shows only win and mepis and I would dearly like to be able to acces particularly my xandros install. Any suggestions please? If so I would be really, really, really, grateful for any guidance especially if explained simply 'cos I'm a simpleton......thank you!