I'm not a friend of the "DoubleClick". So, remove the unwanted, invasive-invasion heres' How 2!
Web Ad Blocking Under Linux/Unix, BeOS, MacOS and Windows
DoubleClick says the practice allows ads to target users better, improving the online ...
If you run Linux, another Unix, BeOS, or Windows or MacOS, ...
www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~atman/spam/adblock.html - 23k - Cached - Similar pages
The response from "most" browsers is:
Your search -
www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~atman/spam/adblock.html - did not match any documents.
Just Type:
doubleclick and linux
Look for:
Web Ad Blocking Under Linux/Unix, BeOS, MacOS and Windows
PS:Intresting read...
Linux News: Governance & Compliance: EC to Delve Deeper Into ...
This works!
My compliments to the author...
Best Regards to all
Reverend Hamer